Mandatory ventilation inspections – to keep in mind

Most buildings are to undergo a mandatory ventilation inspection (OVK) on a regular basis. The purpose is to confirm that the indoor climate is good and that the ventilation systems are working. A mandatory ventilation inspection must be conducted by a certified inspector, who can also offer suggestions on how the ventilation’s energy use can be reduced without any adverse effects on the indoor environment. It falls to the property owner, such as the housing cooperative, to ensure that mandatory ventilation inspections are conducted. The owner must choose a suitably qualified inspector, one who is certified by an accredited certification body. There ought to be mandatory ventilation inspection records for the building, gathered from regular inspections, kept by the municipal building committee. A certificate confirming a completed mandatory ventilation inspection shall be displayed openly in the building, such as at the main entrance or in each stairwell.

What is checked during a mandatory ventilation inspection?

A mandatory ventilation inspection involves checking that instructions for use and maintenance are readily available, that the ventilation system does not contain any pollutants that can be spread within the building and that the ventilation system otherwise functions in the intended manner.

The initial inspection shall also include checking that the function and properties of the ventilation system comply with the applicable regulations.

Subsequent inspections shall check that the function and properties of the ventilation system largely comply with the regulations that applied when the system was installed. Possible measures to improve the energy efficiency of the ventilation system – without adversely affecting the indoor climate – shall also be looked into. It then falls to the property owner to decide whether the proposed energy-saving measures are to be implemented.

How often are mandatory ventilation inspections to take place?

Preschools, schools, healthcare facilities and other similar buildings. Regardless of the type of ventilation system: 3 years.

Apartment buildings, office buildings, and staff areas and offices in industrial buildings and the like. FT-, FTX-ventilation: 3 years

Apartment buildings, office buildings, and staff areas and offices in industrial buildings and the like. S-, F-, FX-ventilation: 6 years

Detached or duplex house with FX-, FTX-ventilation: only an initial installation inspection before the system is commissioned. No subsequent inspections.

S-ventilation = passive ventilation.
F-ventilation = mechanical ventilation with exhaust air flows regulated by fan.
FT-ventilation = mechanical ventilation with both exhaust and supply air flows regulated by fan.
(FX/FTX-ventilation = ventilation with heat recovery).

Who is responsible for what?

Responsibility for mandatory ventilation inspections is shared between several parties. The municipality and the inspector are responsible for certain aspects, although it is always you as the property owner who has overarching responsibility.

The inspector’s task:

  • To write a report presenting the results of the inspection. The inspector shall note any faults and shortcomings in the ventilation and include them in the report. The inspector shall submit copies to both the building owner and the municipality’s building committee.
  • To issue a certificate confirming that an inspection has been conducted, with the date of the inspection, the results of the inspection and the date of the next inspection.

The building owner’s responsibilities:

  • To ensure that any faults and shortcomings discovered during the mandatory ventilation inspection are rectified as soon as possible.
  • To between inspections implement any measures necessary for the ventilation system to fulfil the applicable requirements along with maintenance measures necessary to largely maintain all important technical properties. The requirements are set out in the applicable building legislation.

The municipality is responsible for inspections and supervision:

  • The municipality shall monitor whether the building owner fulfils their obligations as regards mandatory ventilation inspections. If the building owner fails to conduct a mandatory ventilation inspection – or fails to rectify any shortcomings documented during an inspection – the municipality can order the owner to do so.

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