How often does the chimney sweep visit?

Since Sweden’s new Civil Protection Act came into force in 2004, there are two separate aspects concerning your hearth. First, the traditional chimney sweeping/cleaning, which aims to remove soot and flammable deposits. And second, the investigative part entailing a fire safety inspection, to ensure that the hearth works as it should.

Chimney sweeping intervals are determined by your municipality, while fire safety inspection intervals are determined by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB).

You personally do not need to keep track of when chimney sweeping and fire safety inspections are to take place – the appointed chimney sweeping company will do so based on the details found in the inspection logbook (property registry). You will be informed in good time when the next visit is scheduled.

Chimney sweeping intervals

The time limits are decided locally by each municipality and vary throughout Sweden. We recommend that you visit your municipality’s website and search for “sotning” (chimney sweeping).

Fire safety inspection intervals:

The time limits for fire safety inspections are the same throughout Sweden, namely every three or six years depending on the type of fuel and the type of installation. However, there can be other factors that affect how often a fire safety inspection is needed. There are, for example, regulations for fireplaces based on the individual assessments made by fire safety inspectors. More rules of thumb and official guidelines (in Swedish) can be found on the website of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency at (search for “brandskyddskontroll” (fire safety inspection)).

Below is an overview of the most common intervals for installations in homes:


a) In the case of fireplaces that comprise the primary source of heating for the space in which they are found: 3 years
b) In the case of fireplaces that do not comprise the primary source of heating for the space in which they are found: 6 years
c) Hearth found in a summer house: 6 years


a) Fired with solid fuel, such as wood, pellets or wood chips: 3 years
b) Fired with oil or gas: 6 years


a) Fired with solid fuel: 3 years
b) Fired to a very limited extent (not for heating or cooking): 6 years
c) Hearth found in a summer house: 6 years

What does it cost?

The fees that the authorities have established for chimney sweeping and fire safety inspections in your area can normally be found on your municipality’s website or the local chimney sweeping company’s website.

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